


作为系主任, it is my pleasure to extend a warm welcome to you on behalf of our dedicated 教师, 工作人员, 和学生. 你是否是未来的学生, 我们系的现任成员, 或者只是寻找有关我们项目的信息, 我们很高兴你能来.

在心理咨询和公共服务部工作, we are committed to preparing compassionate professionals who are equipped with the 知识 and skills to make a positive impact on the well-being of individuals, 家庭, 和社区. Our comprehensive programs blend theoretical foundations with practical experience, ensuring that our graduates are ready to tackle the complex challenges of today's society.

Our distinguished 教师 members are experts in their 尊重ive fields and are deeply committed to providing a transformative educational experience. They bring a wealth of 知识 and experience to the classroom, incorporating the latest research and best practices in counseling and human services into their teaching.

作为我们系的学生, you will have access to a 支持 and engaging learning environment. 通过亲身体验, 实习, 还有临床实习, you will have the opportunity to apply your skills in real-world settings under the guidance of experienced professionals. 我们以培养合作文化而自豪, 尊重, 和包容性, 每个声音都被重视和赞美的地方.

For professionals seeking to advance their careers or explore new areas of specialization, 我们提供一系列的证书, 继续教育, 专业发展机会. Our department is dedicated to lifelong learning and providing resources to enhance the 知识 and skills of practicing professionals in the field.

We also value our partnerships with the community, local organizations, and agencies. These collaborations provide valuable opportunities for our students to engage in community-based projects, 研究项目, 以及服务学习活动. 在一起, we strive to make a meaningful difference and address the unique needs of diverse populations.

I encourage you to explore our website to learn more about our programs, 教师, 研究项目, 社区参与. 你是否有兴趣攻读学位, 寻求专业发展, 或者与我们合作, 我们在这里支持你的每一步.

Thank you for visiting the 心理咨询系 and 人类服务 website. We look forward to the possibility of welcoming you to our vibrant 和同情ate community.




我们的硕士学位(M.S. Ed.) 咨询 研究生 Program is to equip our students with the skills, 知识, and attitudes which will enable them to function ethically and well in the demanding and ever-changing world of the professional counselor. The program 教师's values have been shaped through program accreditation by the Council for the 认证 of 咨询 and Related Educational 项目 (CACREP). We provide high quality counselor preparation programs grounded in self- evaluation and improvement. We intend to remain responsive to the changing requirements of a dynamic, 多元化的社会, 满足新兴客户的需求, 以及咨询行业, 无论是区域性的还是全国性的. 咨询研究生课程服务于不同的学生, 来自汉普顿路地区的合格学生, 来自美国各地, 来自世界各国. A key aim of the program 教师 is not only to prepare these diverse students with research-based 知识 and generic competencies, 同时也帮助他们培养理解的态度, 好奇心, 反省, 承诺, 毅力, 和同情, 在专业实践中,哪些对他们更有帮助.


Counselors must have a critical body of 知识 and set of skills to help clients 和学生 function effectively in their lives. 为了实现这一目标, the program offers a curriculum which includes the following core components: professional orientation and ethical practice, 社会和文化多样性, 人的成长与发展, 职业发展, 帮助的关系, 组工作, 测试与评估, 以及研究和项目评估. In addition, course work specific to the various concentrations areas is required. 最后,各种实地实习活动(如.g., 实习, internship) are required to ensure that students are capable of applying the skills and 知识 they have learned. The 咨询 研究生 Program is also designed to make sure that the counseling student possesses the personal characteristics necessary to be an effective helper. 这是通过多方面的招生过程来实现的, 使用体验式学习方法, and through the application of an ongoing screening of students' academic, 行为/个人特征. The program is consistent with the guidelines which have been set by the national accrediting body, the Council for the 认证 of 咨询 and Related 项目 (CACREP). 目标:培养学生成为专业咨询师.


Ed的任务.S. program in 咨询 is to prepare counseling professionals from a variety of backgrounds for advanced training in an area of specialization beyond their entry-level training. Building off of the foundation in counseling provided by a previous master's degree, the program 教师 promote excellence in continued learning and growth as a counseling professional in a dynamic, 支持, 包容的环境. Ed的目的.S. program is to foster a deeper appreciation for all professional counseling roles, 培训辅导员的领导能力, 监督, 以及专业实践.


The bet8体育娱乐入口 咨询 and 人类服务 department is excited to offer an Educational Specialist degree (EdS) in Advanced School 咨询. This program is designed for school counselors who wish to further their career, 提高他们的领导能力, 并加强他们的咨询专业知识. Learners in this program must already hold a master's degree in school counseling. The courses are mostly offered online and can also be applied to the ODU PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision program.

心理咨询系 & 人类服务

